
By eifed |

Although EIF-services is not and will never be a web agency, it is worth mentioning a non-profit hobby project developed here: it is 100% front-end (HTML/CSS/JavaScript) and allows one to manage a website for publishing gpx tracks. Thus as mentioned elsewhere, EIF-services is "web aware" although not a pure web player.

Yatish V0.4

By eifed |

Version 0.4 of YATiSh is released! New features:

  • Data vizualisation using wxMathPlot, wxFreeChart or wxCharts (user's choice, hot-pluggable), providing various aggregates and clusters: see the new Charts panel.
  • Context menu on activity listing.
  • And of course: updated GUI translation (Poedit), code documentation (Doxygen) and user help (HelpBlocks).

Checkout our updated YATiSh report.

Drupal 10

By eifed |

The new version of is now operational!

A new Drupal 10 installation was preferred over an attempt to migrate the old site from Drupal 7. After a learning phase in a homemade "sandbox", where various modules and themes were also tested, the installation/configuration procedure has been repeated on the server you are currently visiting. Then a few nuts were tightened (in a sub-theme), and finally a backup procedure was scripted.

Subversion on VPS

By eifed |

The EIF-services web server is running on a Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosted by Nuxit, but our Subversion server is currently implemented on a local network PC (port forwarded to the Internet, though).

In order to provide a better availability of the Subversion server by EIF-services, it is being migrated to our Nuxit VPS.


yatish help window
Yatish is a desktop time tracking application for freelancers and homeworkers; it is an advantageous alternative to classic spreadsheet-made time sheets. Yatish allows in particular to justify the time spent for a client, or for an employee to control her/his (tele)work time.


Subversion logo
To support its IT development activities, EIF-services operates a Subversion server to which customers may get a private access, allowing them to measure in real time the progress accomplished, and also check that it does fit the specifications.