You will not find here a detailed price list because each service is customized, not to say unique. We publish here, however, our in-house pricing model, allowing you to assess the cost of a service provided by EIF-services. The numbers quoted below are valid in 2025.

Following the initial (and free of charge) interaction with the Customer, leading to a better understanding of his/her needs, EIF-services will issue a business proposal on the following basis:

  1. assess the number of workdays to produce;
  2. multiply by the daily fee of €515/day (VAT-free);
  3. add the VAT due in your country;
  4. add mission costs, if any: travel expenses, report printing, HPC resources, etc.

Feel free to contact EIF-services in order to get a detailed quote adapted to your case. Your invoices will be issued by Cadres En Mission, the umbrella company chosen by EIF-services.

About the term of delivery : EIF-services is not advocating slow business but will not jeopardize either the quality of service for timeliness reasons. Apart from that, one needs to take into account the risk involved in the estimation of the workload (a risk that is supported by EIF-services, not by the Customer). Therefore EIF-services uses the following rule of thumb: the term of delivery announced in the business proposal is estimated as twice the predicted workload, converted in work days (or days available to production if other projects are currently under way).