

Automating the deployment of calculations on a platform such as AWS is an important issue in order to increase the productivity of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) studies. Indeed a company should charge for the time spent developing the model and not not while performing command line sessions, which are difficult to remember when they are not practiced on a daily basis.

From Ciaran to Carmen

By eifed |

The recent passage of storm Ciaran broke several wind records in Brittany (it was in the night of Wednesday 1st to Thursday 2nd, November 2023). This reminded us of an earlier study about storm Carmen, re-published here.
The next step will be for EIF-services to develop high-performance computing capabilities, presumably in the cloud using AWS for example.

Flying henhouse

logo Basilisk

Here is an application of Basilisk based on a funny news item: a large henhouse took off on January 1st 2018 during the Carmen storm, which blew at more than 100 km/h in Brittany (inland). The henhouse (and the chicken!) landed on a four-lane highway: