Clock: if evolving, it is the time elapsed since the beginning of the current timeslot. Frozen when the STOP button is pressed (panel #1). 00:00:00 at yatish onset.
MySQL status: either OFF, ON or ERR, reflecting the state of the (optional) MySQL/MariaDB connection.
Menu hint / Timeslot stats: a short description of menu commands is provided here, or
when in panel #2 with the timeslot table selected, the following indicators:
SUM: total duration of the currently selected timeslots (in work days of 7 hours);
AVG: average duration of the currently selected timeslots (hours);
the count of currently selected timeslots (in brackets).
N.B. These numbers depend on the date interval chosen, any filter applied and possibly the row limit in your preferences.
when in panel #3 with a pie chart, the following indicators:
SUM: total duration during the currently selected weeks, i.e. the whole pie (hours);
in brackets: the conversion into workdays (of 7 hours).
N.B. These numbers depend on the date interval chosen.