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Status bar

Status bar It has 3 fields. From left to right:
  1. Clock: if evolving, it is the time elapsed since the beginning of the current timeslot. Frozen when the STOP button is pressed (panel #1). 00:00:00 at yatish onset.
  2. MySQL status: either OFF, ON or ERR, reflecting the state of the (optional) MySQL/MariaDB connection.
  3. Menu hint / Timeslot stats: a short description of menu commands is provided here, or
    • when in panel #2 with the timeslot table selected, the following indicators:
      • SUM: total duration of the currently selected timeslots (in work days of 7 hours);
      • AVG: average duration of the currently selected timeslots (hours);
      • the count of currently selected timeslots (in brackets).

        N.B. These numbers depend on the date interval chosen, any filter applied and possibly the row limit in your preferences.

    • when in panel #3 with a pie chart, the following indicators:
      • SUM: total duration during the currently selected weeks, i.e. the whole pie (hours);
      • in brackets: the conversion into workdays (of 7 hours).

        N.B. These numbers depend on the date interval chosen.