Start recording
Start recording
Once you have defined at least one client, project, task and tool, panel #1 is operational and you can select a combination of project, task and tool. Such a combination is know to yatish as an "activity". If the chosen activity does not exist in the activity table, yatish will create one for you when you press the RECORD button, which has several other consequences:
- a new record is created in the timeslot table; the current timestamp is written in the start field;
- the (RECORD) STOP button is (de)activated;
- the status bar clock begins to tick;
- the yatish icon is changed (however check this).
Pressing the STOP button reverses these effects:
- the timeslot record is updated: the current timestamp is written in the stop field;
- the (STOP) RECORD button is (de)activated;
- the status bar clock is frozen;
- the yatish icon is reset.
N.B. yatish will behave as if you had pressed the STOP button if you exit (CTRL-Q) before.